Meet the Team

MCL Consulting consists of a team of competent, committed and experienced employees. Allow us to introduce them to you on this page.

  • Emily Taylor

    Senior Ecologist BSc(Hons), MSc

    Tel:028 9074 7766

    Phase 1 Habitat Surveys, Biodiversity Checklists, Protected & Priority Species Surveys, EcIA, habitat management and mitigation

  • Peter McKnight

    Consultant Ecologist BSc (Hons) MSc


    Telephone: 028 9074 7766

    Phase 1 Habitat Surveys; Biodiversity Checklists; Protected and Priority Species Surveys; EcIA, Habitat Management & Mitigation

  • Amy Skuce

    Principal Ecologist BSc(Hons), MCIEEM, FISC 4


    Telephone: 028 9074 7766

    Natural Vegetation Classification Surveys, Phase 1 and Extended Phase 1 Habitat Surveys, Biodiversity Checklists, ECoW, Protected and Priority Species Surveys, EcIA, HRA/Appropriate Assessment, Biodiversity Net Gain and Habitat management and mitigation


  • Jack Bacon

    Graduate Ecologist BSc (Hons) MSc


    Telephone: 028 9074 7766

    Phase 1 Habitat Surveys; Biodiversity Checklists; Protected and Priority Species Surveys; EcIA, Habitat Management & Mitigation

  • Lewis Shaw

    Graduate Ecologist BSc (Hons) MSc


    Telephone: 028 9074 7766

    Phase 1 Habitat Surveys; Biodiversity Checklists; Bat Roost Potential & Activity surveys; EcIA; 

  • Zachary Rose

    Consultant Ecologist BSc (Hons) MSc


    Telephone: 028 9074 7766

    Phase 1 Habitat Surveys; Biodiversity Checklists; Protected and Priority Species Surveys; EcIA; Habitat Management and Mitigation

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